Wednesday, October 21, 2009

H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast

Deleted thread: 86034

This post was deleted for the following reason: Thanks to Parasite Unseen for the disclosure that this is actually kind of a self-link by proxy from someone else using his computer, which isn't really okay and whoever that was should really look into not posting to websites using other people's accounts. -- cortex

posted by Parasite Unseen


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real shame about this one is that it's actually a link that I think WOULD be good for MetaFilter, but my roommate (whose project it is) was unaware of the posting guidelines that the site uses. I was planning on waiting until they had a few more podcasts and then posting it to Projects in the hopes that someone would take a shine to it and post it on the Blue. Oh well.

- Parasite Unseen

7:01 PM  

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